Suzy Hogg : Interactive Art Director

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BBC Popmaster Quiz

The business needed an accessible, reusable and scalable platform for the creation of BBC quizzes across a variety of different platforms. The resulting quiz engine allows content editors to manage existing quizzes and create new ones. It's administrative system allows content owners to add new questions and manage existing ones, manage the score tables and change quiz formats. It allows users to dynamically build new J2ME versions of their quizzes and instantly deploy new quizzes as Facebook applications.

The first skinned version of the quiz we produced, was for Ken Bruce's Popmaster, an incredibly popular daily show feature.

Following shortly after, came Glastonbury 40, World Cup Shoot-out, many more to come!

My role, commissioning and agency selection, the design brief and art directing.

BBC World Cup Shootout Quiz
BBC GLastonbury the Quiz on Facebook